Get to know us
The doctor has only one task: to cure the sick person. By what route he accomplishes this is a matter of indifference.
– Hippocrates
4 Conferences
120 Lecturers
300 Lectures
4 Conferences
120 Lecturers
300 Lectures

TEAM Conference is more than a team

We invite you to participate in the TEAM Conference to grow together, gain new knowledge and skills that can save lives.
We believe that through cooperation and exchange of experience we can raise the standards of emergency medicine and traumatology, and thus contribute to saving more lives in emergencies.
In Poland, MP is a pioneer and promoter of evidence-based medicine, i.e. medical practice based on reliable and up-to-date publications, and co-founded the Polish EBM Institute.

Meet our team

dr n. med. Jakub Nożewski

CEO of TEAM Conference

dr. med. Paulina Oelberg-Licznerska

mass casualty drill

Stanislaw Pyzel

medical rescue exercises

Marcelina Skajewska

poster section

Our mission

The TEAM (Trauma, Emergency & Acute Medicine) conference was born out of a passion for emergency medicine and is dedicated to all those who work on the front lines in the fight for human life.
Our event brings together specialists from various fields to share the latest advances, research and practices in emergency medicine, traumatology and intensive care.
Our Mission The goal of the TEAM Conference is to create a platform that enables the exchange of knowledge, experience and innovation between life-saving professionals.
We want to provide participants with access to the latest scientific reports and practical solutions that can be implemented in the daily work of medics.

Do you want to network or become a lecturer?

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